Striking the perfect Mum, Life balance…

Striking the perfect Mum, Life balance…

It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog, so first, Hello! As I’ve harped on about in the past (!) I juggle my business around looking after my children – and lately I’ve been struggling with what they call striking the impossible work, life balance. It’s really tough isn’t it. Even if don’t have children or are a parent who has chosen not to work, juggling professional projects, housework, life admin, and attempting some sort of social life is pretty tricky.


Juggling work with young children.


I love my business, it enables me to have a creative outlet and use my brain – a bit! I love making and sketching new product designs, but this creative process is only about 5% of running my business. The majority of it is admin, answering customer queries, uploading and editing products and trying to keep on top of social media which sometimes feels like a full-time job in itself!


That said, I love social media too. It’s a great way to show people what I do and helps get my name out there, plus it constantly blows my mind that people find me interesting enough to follow and comment on what I do. Finding fresh content to write and photograph about each day though is hard! On top of all that is the fact that social media can be a little bit fake… We want you to think that running our businesses is glamorous, and that ‘stunning photo’ was just a lucky shot. But actually, the reality is that most of it is carefully planned and thought through – and that photograph was probably shot 389 of 500!


Miss Shelly Designs and social mediaWorking with kidsWorking Mum


I’d always thought that once both my children started school my business would grow and really explode as I’d have more time to devote to it, and to still keep on top of the housework and general life admin. But honestly, before I know it the day has gone and it’s time to pick my little monkeys up from school again. On the one hand I feel incredibly lucky that I have a job that allows me to work from home and be here for my boys but sometimes I also feel it’s a bit of an anchor that I’m home-based. I don’t get to work the solid 9-5 hours like most people and being at home it’s hard to ignore that pile of washing building up in the corner, so I usually try and sneak in a bit of housework too.


Well in order to try and shift the balance a bit I decided to take a bit of a break from blogging and I’m not posting up on social media as much. I usually join in on Joanne Hawker’s #Marchmeetthemaker challenge but I’ve decided to have a year off. I’ve realised I’m not supermum, I can’t do it all!


While we're talking about Mum's - Mother's day is only a couple of weeks away! As I’ve not been spending as much time on social media recently, I’ve used the time to create a few new products. I have a range of Mother’s Day cards including a new KOALITY Koala card with adorable pom pom ears and a cute new bear card which can be personalised with a special message.


Koala Mother's Day Caard

Koala Mother's Day card by Miss Shelly Designs

  Make sure you check out my website to see the new product designs – I’d love your feedback! And, however much you’re currently juggling, I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

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1 comment

I love the mothers day cards and the family hoops. Ps, I think you do a grand juggling job xxxx

Anne Frostick

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